Friday, November 16, 2012

Society of Illustrators 55

I was very happy to find out that the painting in my last post was selected for the Society of Illustrators Annual Exhibition!

When I found out, I smiled for a few hours straight, and then started thinking "I'M NOT WORTHY!" like Wayne and Garth in Wayne's World shouted when they met Alice Cooper. Thanks to all the judges who decided otherwise.

 Here's the painting again (in a bad phone snapshot).

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Queen of Halloween

I was looking at a very long family tree and wishing that I could see the people, which gave me the idea for a series of paintings called Imaginary Ancestors.  This queen is the first in line. I was going to paint her holding a flower, but she just wanted to hold a twig instead.

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In Flowers

The idea for this illustration came from a dream I once had, that my clothes were covered with flowers that would open in the daytime and close at night.

(It's available as a print in my Etsy shop.)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Evening Song

It's 90 degrees outside, so working on this autumnal illustration ("Evening Song") for Ladybug Magazine was a refreshing break from the heat--in my mind, anyway. Some neighborhood crows obligingly posed for me.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Year of the Dragon

This dragon popped into my head one night, just like it's popping in on the girl in the painting. My publisher decided not to use it, since it didn't look enough like my usual work, but it makes me happy anyway. Here it is, popping in on my blog.

Happy (belated) New Year!